Monday, February 6, 2017

Adventures of Mom: Day 1

So I figure my life is an adventure why not share some funny stories and daily adventures of having a completely blended family.

My wife and I have 5 children 10 and under in our house currently. Plus 2 dogs. Oh...and our fish, Jack, who can never be forgotten. I have a son and a daughter, she has a son, and now we have our 2 nieces. I quit my job to stay at home with these kiddos and let me tell you what. It is a job all on its own taking care of a house full!

Wake up to a hungry baby needing changed, dogs needing outside, gotta get the kids up for school too. Where did I put my keys? Oh that's a daily million dollar question! Get them off to school get home, bathe 2 kids, then myself (thank heaven I got to do that while my 15 month old rocked in her carseat to keep her out of trouble), then feed the dogs and get out the door for a lunch date with an old friend for 45 minutes before she flies back out of town. Rush over to the hospital to get medical records, then drive 30 minutes back home to feed kids.

Now guess what, because of 2 recent additions to our house, we are rearranging the bedrooms to fit 5 kids. Wanna know how many toys they have? Too many! Guess who has been telling them to pick the ones they wanna keep in their room and put the rest in storage bins for the storage room...that's right. Me. Mom. You know...the one who makes you dinner, runs around everywhere for you? Buys you stuff!

Wanna know how long I've been telling them to do this? Ya me either. Too freaking long. So my almost 5 year old helped me go through every single toy box and under beds and hiding in closets. I picked their toys. They didn't get a choice! Haha Haha. They now have Legos, hot wheels, nerf guns, and Pokemon cards to play with. EVERYTHING ELSE IS GONE! POOF! Like magic it's out of their room. Guess what. Now they have room for their beds and clothes.

So after a weekend filled with that joy comes the moment when you realize that you have this extremely horrific pain in your back and your neck and you can't even turn your head because you have a pinched nerve on top of a non-relaxing muscle spasm...hello 30's! We just started this adventure and it's off to a wonderfully terrible start.

Urgent care I sit with a 15 month old baby rocking away in the car seat while my neck is kinked and I can't hardly move.

As if that wasn't bad enough let's add the 50 loads of laundry I've been tackling cuz my children refuse to bring me dirty clothes. Guess who is gonna learn how to hand wash and line dry clothes if they don't keep up what I am doing! You guessed it! The kids.

Now a tired baby, busy urgent care, injured back and neck, and a wife who has been sick for 4 days! Ha! Daily challenges. Keep posted. More to follow tomorrow.

Exhausted Mom of 5 signing off

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